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1. Divorce

Dissolution of Marriage

We will handle your divorce proceedings from the very moment you decide to take the step of filing your Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, until the moment your divorce is finalized.  At Law Office of Nikola Hrisova we have handled cases that settled in as little as 2 months, but we've also handled cases that have been going on for 3 or more years.  Therefore, we are confident that we will be able to offer you the utmost experience and honest representation you will not be disappointed with.  Every case is different and your representation will be tailored to your legal rights, your needs, and what you want from the outcome of your case.  We are here to assist you every step of the way and not only lead you through the process, ensure that you understand the process and understand what your legal rights and obligations are.  

Dissolution of Marriage with Minor Children

It is our mission to ensure that children who are going through divorce with their parents transition to the new normal as smoothly as possible.  We make sure we work with both parents on putting their differences aside and focusing on what is in their children's best interest.  Often times the parents' judgments are clouded by emotion and hostility they feel towards the other parent.  We make sure we keep the parents on track to becoming great co-parents and to ensure their children are always their priority.  However, that's not to say that there may be a parent that is not fit to care for their children, in that case, we make sure we protect the children in hopes that the relationship with the unfit parent improves in the future.

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Request a Price Quote

Every case is different and requires different attention.  However, we understand how important the financial aspect of your case is.  Therefore, please briefly explain what it is you are looking for, and we will get back to you within 24 hours with an estimate for your legal services.

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